Saturday, September 22, 2012

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 

I have about 10 copies for each system.

$50 dollars for the XBOX and PS3

$29 for the PC

Borderlands 2 Cast Pictures, Images and Photos

IF you would like to buy one leave me your email in the comments, thanks!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Some Bruce Lee Ping Pong?

This guy was amazing, watch the movie IP Man to see the life of the guy that trained Bruce Lee.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

25 worst passwords 2011

Ok so they have listed them and I just read them from yahoo.. I mean come on people what were you thinking when you used the password "qwerty"? But the better question is where does the qwerty come from? Any way heres the list:

1. password

2. 123456


4. qwerty

5. abc123

6. monkey

7. 1234567

8. letmein

9. trustno1

10. dragon

11. baseball

12. 111111

13. iloveyou

14. master

15. sunshine

16. ashley

17. bailey

18. passw0rd

19. shadow

20. 123123

21. 654321

22. superman

23. qazwsx

24. michael

25. football

I hope that none of you used any of those if you did hurry quick like and change them...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do not take but Give BACK!!!

The I cant believe that this is going on in America Right now and the main stream media is not covering it. I mean come on these Americas are protesting for the principles of what this country was founded on. What happened to those!?!?!?!!!

It was taken from us from the 1%

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This guy wont Last long..

WTF is this guy thinking, we dont play with WILD animals...

I dont care how good he thinks he is ... Uuuuummm remember Steve Irwin, and that was a Sting Ray....

Friday, November 11, 2011

Roland Simpson A.K.A. Slim died doing what he loved, BASE jumping.

#84 Roland (Slim) Simpson, October 22, 2004
Age: 35
Building Jump (Wingsuit)
Jinmao Tower, Shanghai, China
Building Strike
Slim is an experienced and well known BASE jumper with over 1200 jumps when he launched for this wingsuit flight at a major BASE event in China. After a good flight he deployed into line twists and is unable to avoid a hard rooftop strike on an adjacent structure. Slim is a major influence on an entire generation of BASE jumpers and this is a major blow, not only in his home country of Australia, but to the entire BASE world. There is much to be said of this man including this sentiment from one of his good friends. "I am awed by his courage, determination, and perseverance in coming back to a sport that had battered and broke him once before. He faced down the demon of fear after his recovery and re-entered the sport with humor and panache. And cripples can fly he said of his first jump back. What an inspiration he was."

Information taken from the world BASE fatality list